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  • Recognize, speak, and write a simple sentence
  • Recognize and use capital letters
  • Recognize and use end punctuation (. and ?)


  • Mastery of list of 25 most common words (green list)
  • Listen attentively to stories read aloud (10-15 minutes)
  • Be able to retell the story
  • Be able to correctly sequence events
  • Use picture clues to predict and to determine if the meaning is clear
  • Ability to “buddy read” any text
  • Begin to self-correct errors when reading
  • Identify by name and sound capital and lowercase letters, including short vowel sounds


  • Write own name, first and last, in correct form
  • Write left to right with mostly correct letter formation
  • Use inventive spelling
  • Use personal, high interest, vocabulary, (names of family members, etc.)
  • Write a 1-3 sentence story


  • Follow 1, 2, or 3 step directions
  • Demonstrate active listening by remaining quiet when others are speaking and focusing attention on the speaker

Oral Communication

  • Express complete thoughts
  • Make appropriate word choices (pronouns, tense, etc.)
  • Use and understand words that identify, locate or explain
  • Distinguish between same and different
  • Participate in group discussions


  • Identify the position of an object 1st – 10th
  • Identify the position of an object first, middle, last
  • Use one to one correspondence
  • Recite, identify and write numbers 0 – 20
  • Count objects 0 – 30
  • Compare sets using fewer than, less than, greater than, more than
  • Count by 2’s (exposure), 5’s, 10’s, to 100
  • Add to 10 using various methods
  • Subtract from 10 using various methods
  • Identify by name and values of pennies, nickels, and dimes
  • Demonstrate and tell time to the hour and half hour
  • Recite days of the week and months of the year
  • Identify shapes of circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval
  • Identify and create repeating patterns
  • Construct and interpret graphs


  • Distinguish between different states of matter
  • Understand that fossils are evidence of past life
  • Distinguish between weather conditions
  • Describe characteristics of the four seasons
  • Describe how the weather changes what we do, wear, etc.


  • Provide birthday (month and day)
  • Personal responsibility – care for self and belongings
  • Time Management – accomplishing a specific task in a given amount of time church, neighborhood, city, country, world. Some specific topics are map study, holidays (religious and civil), community helpers, countries of the world and ethnic differences, family structures, and appreciation of the United States. Community service projects solidify the classroom study.  Science topics include plants, animal habitats, states of matter, the solar system, the human body and nutrition, and weather.

The primary program, kindergarten through second grade, is dedicated to providing a sound spiritual and academic foundation for each child. It does this through approaches and techniques developmentally appropriate for the primary age child.

The basic religious education program provides the student with the doctrinal, scriptural, and moral aspects of their faith at a primary level. Students are introduced to the traditional prayers of the Church. Daily prayer, celebration of the sacraments, and special liturgies enrich the curriculum. Prayer corners, service activities to help the poor, introductions to some of the basic beliefs – creation and God the Father, the life of Jesus, the role of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives, Mary and the saints are all part of a multi-faceted program which builds a firm faith foundation in the life of a child.

The primary literature-based language arts program, primarily through the OPEN COURT reading series, provides enriching reading and writing experiences with a strong emphasis on phonics. The child is introduced to quality literature, phonetic strategies, spelling, vocabulary, and basic grammar.  Journals, research, and creative writing also develop the child’s writing skills.  Art is integrated into these activities when appropriate.   Handwriting is taught with Handwriting Without Tears, a program designed by an occupational therapist.

The Math in Focus/Singapore math series is used to implement the Archdiocese of Denver math curriculum.  It includes skills such as patterns, number concepts, formation of numerals, basic math operations (addition and subtraction, etc), geometric shapes, money, place value, time, problem solving, and estimation  Concepts are introduced through a hands-on, experiential approach. Technology plays an integral role in this and other subject areas throughout the primary level.

The primary social studies program is structured to help the student grow to an awareness of being a member of a wider community – family, school, church, neighborhood, city, country, world. Some specific topics are map study, holidays (religious and civil), community helpers, countries of the world and ethnic differences, family structures and appreciation of the United States. Community service projects solidify the classroom study.  Science topics include plants, animal habitats, states of matter, the solar system, the human body and nutrition, and weather.

The intermediate (grades 3-5) school program is designed to further develop the basic skills learned in the primary grades while introducing the students to more advanced concepts in preparation for the expectations of middle school.

It is important to note that the intermediate grade’s program utilizes many and varied methods for learning in each subject area. This allows the student to grow as an individual and develop the talents and abilities that are unique to each child.

Language Arts grows from paragraph and sentence structure to creative writing, effective note-taking, letter writing, and research papers. Poetry, novel study, and autobiographies reinforce the reading, composition, and communication skills of the individual student.

Religion emphasizes the relationship each person has with God as experienced through the sacraments, the celebration of the liturgical year, and preparation of weekly mass. Students learn about people of the Old Testament, Jewish customs and culture, and the connection to Catholicism.

The math program for third grade develops abilities in graphing, estimation, multiplication, division, and fractions and investigates areas and capacity. The fourth and fifth grade programs expand these concepts and introduce decimals, ratios, the metric system and basic theories of algebra and geometry.

The social studies curriculum in the intermediate grades examines civilizations and cultures in both ancient times and here in Colorado. Students learn the required elements of research reports and develop more effective note-taking and study skills.

Each class explores the varied discipline of geology, botany, physiology, astronomy, chemistry, and earth science in science. Each grade uses experimentation, observation, and basic scientific methods to progress to more advanced concepts and subject matter.

CORE CURRICULUM: Math, Religion, Science, Art, Technology, Physical Education, English, Reading, Social Studies, Spelling/Vocabulary, Music, Library, Spanish.

Most Precious Blood is proud of its complete “Specials” program offered to students from kindergarten through 8th grade.  In our Catholic school, we believe our students have been given many talents by God and it is our unique privilege to be able to develop them all!

Kindergarten-Grade 2: Art, Spanish, Physical Education, Library, and “Scruffy Skills” (our early prosocial/anti-bullying class) and Music.

Grade 3: Art, Spanish, Physical Education, Library, Steps to Respect,  Music, and “Go For It”

Grade 4/5: Art, Physical Education, Library, Steps to Respect, Music, and Spanish.  Every other year students participate in the Young Ameritowne program.

Grade 6: Art, Music, Life Lessons, Type to Learn, Physical Education.

Grade 7/8th (Electives Format): Fitness, Digital Citizenship, Percussion, Fitness, Technology, Service, Art, Music, Spanish, and Type to Learn.

Teachers and parents have access to a Learning Services team at Most Precious Blood comprised of teachers, former teachers and learning assistants using the best thinking of consultants and research to help individual learners be more successful.  Services include

  • Assisting teachers in identifying and accommodating learning challenges in individual students.
  • Assisting parents with identifying and accessing supplemental services.
  • Providing inclusion services within specific classrooms to deliver instruction alongside the teacher.
  • Providing tutorial and remedial instruction for students.
  • Monitoring progress and implementation of special learning plans.

Teachers use a variety of assessments to measure student growth. In addition to classroom tasks and tests, several standardized assessments are utilized to collect data and information for individual students and to guide instruction for their entire class.

Our students generally begin maxing out ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) assessments in middle school and generally score a year to a year and a half higher than their expected grade equivalent scores. This makes it difficult to measure actual, individual growth so MPB began administering STAR Reading and STAR Math tests as an additional means to track individual growth. Additionally, the information gathered can be used by teachers to pinpoint exactly where a student may have gaps or where strategic growth can be made through tutoring and additional instruction. The latest rounds of the school-wide reports reveal that better than 80% of students are testing above proficiency in both math and reading.