Students at MPB pray! The school day begins and ends with a school-wide prayer over the public address system led by a member of the student leadership team. All students stop what they are doing and join in this communal prayer. Other opportunities to pray are found by different teachers in different ways. Whether you look at the junior high students who begin religion class with a time of personal petitions or the kindergarteners who give thanks before snack time (and who will remind their teacher if she appears to be forgetting their daily prayer time!) you will see prayer at MPB.
Family Service Sundays
The Family Service program began in 2015 as a way for families to do the work of the Gospels. At each Family Service Sunday, Most Precious Blood families gather to complete a variety of service projects that support non-profit organizations in the greater Denver community, as well as those in our own MPB community. The materials and supplies needed to complete each project are provided at each “service station”. Families are invited to visit as many stations as time allows, complete a wide variety of projects, and learn about the organizations in our community that work daily to love, support, and care for the vulnerable. For more information, please visit our parish website.
Students gather with their buddies to celebrate our MPB community monthly. MPB believes that every person is a unique gift and that each of us has our own wonderful, God-given set of talents and traits. For this reason, Convocation has been established as a way to celebrate the triumphs and successes of MPB students with prayer, announcements, and conversation.
The Delores Project
The Delores Project is the focus of many of our students’ service works. Each week a group of students makes lunches for the ladies at The Delores Project, a women’s homeless shelter in Denver. The treats for these lunches come from our annual Halloween candy collection. While the older students pack the lunches, students in the primary grades decorate the lunch bags. Administrators at the shelter report that their clients truly appreciate the cheerful artwork of our younger students!
Student Charity Leaders
As part of the Leader in Me program at MPB, students take leadership roles in Action Teams that serve and support the school. Our Charity Team raises awareness and funds for different causes both within and beyond our school community. Each month, the Charity Team researches charitable organizations that connect to our studies and our mission. In recent years, the students supported the Walk for the Poor/St. Vincent DePaul Society, the Max Fund/Dumb Friends League, the Denver Santa Shop and the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Fund and the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Family to Family
MPB School collaborates with the parish on Family to Family projects. The two highlights of the year are the Thanksgiving Food Drive and the Christmas Present Project. In both cases, students learn that they are part of a larger community that has many struggles and needs. They learn that giving to others is a very real part of their faith.
Christmas Pageant
On the last day of school before Christmas break, MPB students take time before Christmas parties and room clean-up to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Sixth-grade students perform a simple version of the story of Jesus’ birth complete with shepherds, an angel, three wise men and some very interesting innkeepers.
Living Stations of the Cross
Fifth-grade students present the Living Stations of the Cross to the entire school during Lent. This very moving prayer service combines the visual of Jesus’ passion with prayers aimed at school-aged children. The students share this prayer to the students during the school day and the parish in the evening followed by a soup supper.
May Crowning
Kindergarten students help present Mass and lead the student body in a celebration of Mary during our very special May Crowning Mass.